Thursday, December 06, 2007


I went to renew my PR re-entry permit today. It's for ten years, and will expire Dec 5, 2017.

2017 ... it seems like a number from a sci-fi flick, where the story unfolds in the distant future. Yet, it's a mere 10 years away.

Looking back to 10 years ago, where was I? Mugging for my International Finance paper in the midst of the Asian Financial Crisis. Worrying about my future, no doubt.

10 years on, today, where am I? I've done ok, I guess. Could've been better but I've had experiences that many people can only hear of. There have been highs and lows, heartbreak and laughter, success and failure. 所谓的人生喜怒哀乐,我算是尝过了。

2017, 10 years later, where would I be? They say the best things in life come to those who wait. I'll wait. There's so much waiting to do ...