Saturday, February 28, 2009

March in a blink

In a blink, it'll be March. It'll be a good month. Hehe ... of course, since I was born during this month. Of course, it'll bring me closer to the long-desired holiday in Japan, which regretfully, I haven't really planned anything for! Argh!

Haha ... but nevertheless, March is coming, we are Marching on well into 2009. After March, the first quarter of this year will cross the finishing line ... the highly anticipatory quarter for the world economy ... what would the report card be? Good, I hope, as I anticipate very positive changes on the work front - and finances will be involved - to take on the world! Woo hoo!

Marching on, the world changes, the economy changes, people change, things change ... yet a lot will remain the same on the personal front. They are always the things I seek change for but somehow, there's this great stubborn inertia that stays them, that roots them so deeply they might just stay like that till forever and ever ... and I recall the sign I had on the holy mountain ... if choose to retreat, I would miss the turn that reveals just how close I am to the goal.

Maybe it's really just around the bend when the storm has cleared. I must learn to be patient.