Sunday, August 30, 2009

Which chord did this film strike UP?

Yesterday, I finally bucked UP and saw the latest Pixar masterpiece. It was very UP to expectation, though it didn't manage to strike UP that unusual chord with me that WALL-E did. But it's still very very good, with a few memorable, thought provoking scenes and lines, which are the defining marks of quality in films and stories, at least as far as I'm concerned.

How inspired was this film by Dumbo? Well, the opening short was definitely so. The clouds and the storks ... why didn't the animators sneak in a cloud or two that made Dumbo babies, and Nemo babies, and Mickey babies? Hehe ... that'd be kinda fun.

Pixar excels in time lapse. The sequence after Eve clamped up and WALL-E spent seasons by her side is replayed once more in UP when Ellie grew old changing Carl's ties every morning. Was Ellie older than Carl? It seemed to me so, and that made me smile.

"It's the boring things that I remember," Russell said. It's really the little things that give so much pleasure, aren't they? The most boring things, when done together with people we love, can be spectacular. These are the things that we wanna do again and again. And again. The little everyday things, when executed ernestly, can be magnificent. 平凡的傻事用了心变成经典.

By the way, is Russell Chinese?