Tuesday, August 31, 2010


"You're Senior Design Researcher in one of the largest companies in the world." - Someone said that to me, I like it.

The potential of design research in China is simply massive. I can see forever what can be done, and needs to be done, and how big an impact the results will be on the innovation and design process and strategy of any company, especially one like ours.

We're standing on the threshold of contemporary design in China. We're standing on the threshold of strategic branding in China. We're standing on the threshold of an exploding "consumer market" in China.

If we thought China was gulping up all forms of consumerism since its economic reforms in 1979, we have to think again. Those were the baby steps. Now, the true pester power may truly begin. One that is slowly but surely understanding what it means to be a "consumer", demanding the sovereignty of the "consumer" and acquiring a taste for good design that will soon parallel that of consumers in mature economies.

Someone asked me, "Why now? Why China now?" Exactly because of what he (and I) have truly believed - the very fact that the Chinese are only now coming into their own as "consumers".

To be in Shanghai at this turning point is extremely exciting. Professionally, to be a part of the founding team that pioneers China-focused innovation and design for one of the largest companies in the world is a defining stamp on the resume. To surf China's next wave of global dominance - the emergence of a consumer economy and world class design - seriously, talk about first-mover advantage.

And on a more sombre personal note, there are millions in that country whose lives can be made better by design, which of course, could also be adapted for other emerging economies, stretching the value of design across the developing world, a goal that is so close to my heart I hope to achieve in my professional attempt to understand, empathise and solve real problems through good, sustainable design.

All is good - 天时地利人和 - although the original motivator for the move has faded in significance. Perhaps maybe that's what it's for, getting me there, to this exciting city of the future. And nothing more.