Saturday, September 20, 2008


雪 sent me a Mid-Autumn Festival SMS greeting last week. I managed to decipher the message except for one word but thanks to Wall-E, I'm now able to read the complete message! The poetic words conjure up pretty images that warm the heart ... so I'm sharing it here with you. But of coz, it's only thanks to Wall-E that I'm able to type it out here cuz if I can't read, I can't jolly type! Haha ... I need to learn my Chinese way more diligently!!

Happy Belated Mid-Autumn Festival! \(^_^)/

蒹葭苍苍, 白露为霜,
薄雾茫茫, 唯风与光,
清秋时节, 霞瞬叶黄,
增衣添裳, 安生无恙,
此佳节至, 圆月共赏!
节日快乐! 颜慧诗拜。