Friday, June 05, 2009
What a hard week ...
It's not work. In fact, at work, it's been a good pace. Even had the chance to read a couple of books for some new ideas.
It's the other bad news around the world. The crash of Air France 447 in the Atlantic on Monday morning. 228 killed. The explosion of a city bus in Chengdu this morning. 25 killed. Lives lost just like that.
This day last week, vacationers, honeymooners, businessmen and students were looking forward to the trip across the Atlantic on Sunday. Just last night, some of the passengers on board the bus must have made plans for the weekend, setting off to work in a happy mood this morning because Thank God, It's Friday! I feel ashamed for being disgruntled at inconsiderate commuters during morning peak hour bus and train rides. I should be thankful that at least our lives are secure. We are safe, right ... or are we not?
Speculation abound for what had happened in both incidents. Investigations are still on-going, no evidence has yet to be recovered. Was it an act of terrorism? Was it technological failure? Was it human error? Which is scarier? Hah ... on first impulse, everyone's afraid of terrorism. But think about it rationally, isn't technological failure way scarier? It's like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. No, it's not even ticking. It JUST happened.
Today felt like an incredibly long day. I'm emotionally drained. These 253 people and their families are so far away, we're completely unrelated. But I feel it in my bones as another human being. That we are fragile. So vulnerable. So many things outside our control. One thing we can take charge of though, and that is to live every second of our lives to the fullest.
活了一分种, 快活六十秒. Carpe diem.