Saturday, June 20, 2009
Blue hair n luvin' it!
Woo hoo! I've finally got my wish :) Blue hair ... hehe ...
Went to Chapter 2 Bugis to get my last free haircut (voucher expires today) and spent close to 5 hours there getting a bleach, colour, treatment, cut, ... and BLUE hair. Initially, I told my stylist Apple that I wanted a dark base and bright highlights, so we finally sorta decided on brown for base and blue for highlights.
When I saw that she wanted to bleach the same portion of the hair for the highlights, I said that perhaps we should do the highlights differently this time because I was getting bored of having it the same way everytime. I think up to this point it's a different blue that she had in mind. She advised against it because bleaching damages the hair so it's better to contain it to a certain area. Besides, if I were to bleach and highlight other parts as well, once the colour begins to fade, there'll be at least 3 colours in the hair. Now, that made sense and seemed gross. So I accepted the fact that we'd do the highlight in the same spot, though quite disappointed.
And here is why I like coming back to Apple cuz she's bold to provide suggestions which pique my imagination and the result of which is rather exciting. So after some minutes, she came over and suggested that I try a blue called, if I remember correctly, "Midnight Blue" on black base. She showed how the highlight would be applied and how she would change my hairstyle accordingly to have the highlight complement the look.
I loved the solution! I could imagine just how cool the haircut would look although I didn't quite know what kinda colour was this blue that I was getting. Apple also said that over time when the colour fades, there'd be stages of different colours ending with ash like what's on her own hair now. Gee ... the organic "aging" of my hair colour sounded very appealing! So of course I gave it a nod.
And when it's all done and I could see the blue, man, it's beautiful. It's velvety dark blue ... I really like it! I would put some pictures here but the camera cannot really capture it well. I'm sure this hairstyle would look fantastic with styling but hmm ... I'm kinda lazy in the morning and not a fan of those sticky hair products so we'll see. Hehe ...
P.S. This reminds me of a French girl who stayed at the Nikko Park Lodge ... she had the most amazing blue hair! Closely cropped very stylishly, she wouldn't look out of place in an anime ...