I'm deeply moved by the final episode.
The sculpture of an angel that Morita makes for Hagumi before leaving for his round-the-world trip, holding a scroll with words of encouragement for her to pick up the paint brush again after a bad accident damages the nerves in her right hand.
How Takemoto uses what is closest to Hagu's heart - art - for her rehab to get those nerves working again.
The happiness that Mayama deserves for being so generously and selflessly in love with Rika, and finally being accepted by her.
How Takemoto almost misses the precious gift that Hagu, whom he has secretly been in love with for 2 years, has packed for him - a farewell gift, a good luck charm - as he boards the bus for a career with the Miedai carpenters.
As Takemoto lifts up slice after slice of white bread to find stuck onto sweet honey, a four-leaf clover, then two, then three, and more ...
"There are so many four-leaf clovers inside although I could only find one of them after searching for an entire day." -- Takemoto
... and he sobs (I did too. Who wouldn't?)
I've never thought much of the Hagumi character. She bears a fragile appearance, and her quiet disposition and pensiveness sometimes make her scenes dull and colourless (ironically, since she's a painter).But Hagumi's strong willpower shines in this last scene. And I finally see, in reflection, how much bearing she has had on shaping Takemoto as a person, whose character is pivotal to this story, and who is aptly so, the narrator.
It's a cool show. Brings me all the way back to school.
"The day when everything turns into memories will eventually come. However, I will probably remember the precious time we spent together." -- Takemoto
Besides, Mukai Osamu (Mayama-kun) is the BEST! So 帅! Haha ... Go watch.