Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Bits from the Beats

The weekend was a blast. Well, Friday and Saturday that is, cuz I hibernate on Sundays. Baybeats this year happened at two venues which were quite far apart - one at the usual open area near the Esplanade "hawker centre" called Nokia Powerhouse, and the other just below the Nicholl flyover (I think that's what it's called) called the Nokia Arena. Yes, you've guessed it, the Nokia N-Series had a grand presence at Baybeats 07. They even had a Nokia Music Mobile bus! All refurbished inside to resemble a lounge where the performers chilled with the fans as they signed autographs. Lots of freebies were given away too, though we didn't bother to get any. We were there only for the music.

Most of the acts didn't disappoint. The first gig on Friday for us was a young Singaporean band, a first-timer at Baybeats called Stentorian with a lead vocalist as charismatic as Justin Timberlake. And the music was good to boot too! The next artiste was Azmyl Yunor and his band. This KL dude was hilarious, his music had a country rock flavour and really, really good! Then, we moved over to the Nokia Arena where Filipino band Caracal was playing. That didn't impress us much so we returned to the Powerhouse, only to find French band Utopium another mediocre band which was actually better off sans vocals. The highlight of the evening was of course, Plainsunset. The crowd went wild! There was a lot of body surfing that night which kept the security real busy ... hehe ... but we enjoyed ourselves tremendously even with ears ringing well into the next day.

Poor Pauline couldn't make it for Saturday's cuz she had a wedding to attend. Well, she certainly didn't miss much. Probably just Filipino band Urbandub which was just ... AWESOME.

The Esplanade Park was very, very crowded - with not just music maniacs like us, but also families which were camping out hoping to catch a glimpse of the NDP rehearsal. At least there were the chopper and fighter jet performances, although I'm sure many had to go home disappointed because they must have come for the fireworks which never appeared. Guess they have to organise another picnic come Thursday ...

:: Baybeats 07 on Imagestation ::

P.S.: Coincidentally, this is also my 100th post on this blog (~.0)v