Sunday, August 12, 2007
August 12, 4 Years On ...
It's the fourth anniversary of my grandma's passing - at 1.30 pm four years ago, I received news to that one single event that affected me greatly. Till today, I wish we had taken the trouble to visit her on that National Day weekend. If only we knew that would be the last time we would ever see her. And we let that one last chance slip away. Never ever procrastinate. If there's something I must do, I'll have to do it immediately and never think tomorrow will turn out just the way I anticipate it to.
Reading Chevy's blog about her grandpa's funeral and how the entire family had the chance to gather, it's reminiscent of my own grandma's wake and funeral. In fact, it was also a peacemaking event. See, my mom had a misunderstanding with one of my aunts and had not been on speaking terms for years. As kids, that bout of silence between the adults also kept my cousin and I apart. Grandma's funeral brought us back together, putting my mom and aunt back on speaking terms and my cousin and I are now much closer that we could have imagined years ago.
Four years on, today, she's still dearly missed.
Today, some funny and fun things happened too. We went out to Compasspoint on an idle Sunday afternoon shopping trip. We were shocked to find lots of those incense papers flying around on the road. Perhaps some bundles had slipped off the lorry ferrying them off to some incense vendors as demand rises for the Hungry Ghost month (I later found out that it begins tomorrow, which coincidentally is also the 13th ... stay off the streets when night falls tomorrow folks ...)
So it's also possible that some over-zealous residents had offered the incense paper a little too early (usually, some of these incense paper will be burnt on the night before the beginning of the Hungry Ghost month as a sort of bribe to the dark forces so they do not disturb members of the family). Now, as I'm typing this post and as the clock is approaching 12 midnight, it's raining outside, with resounding thunder and howling wind. Quite eerie, if you ask me.
I've also hardly had any bus inspector hop on the bus and check my ez-link card but today, I had two. Either it's due to the bus route that I was on (both passing through Geylang) or there's been an increase in cases of passengers cheating on bus fare which called for such checks or ... for whatever reason that only God may know.
Luke, Wei Eng and I spent a delightful evening at Rodolphe's place, a nice condo apartment on Lor 27. He will be starting work in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam next month. That's super duper news for he really deserves this break after taking so much s**t from the old company. That was a brave and brilliant call on his part. Better still, he's getting an irresistible expatriate package!
So we finally met cute Inaniel. Indeed, he's such a little imp but very cute ... he he ... especially when he tried so hard to be a part of the Wii games we were playing. Larissa, Rodolphe's wife, was lovely too. She made crepe, with Nutella, Skippy, homemade jams, banana pieces, chocolate ... yummy!
Well, so that's my Sunday. Ugh ... not looking forward to a new work week but oh well, I should always be thankful for having a job and stability (to a certain degree) in my life. Happy Hungry Ghost Festival - hope to go see 881 one of these days :)
And it's the Gwen Stefani concert on Tuesday! Yippie yi yay!