Saturday, October 09, 2010

Why I still need my NB

Another sign of our over-reliance on digital technology, and the convenience of which, is the ability to modify travel plans at whim. Especially when everything is readily available online.

Just booked myself into a wonderfully sounding hostel "Wanderfalls Guesthouse" at Niagara Falls, plus Amtrak tickets to get me there and back into New York next week. This is, of course, after checking that everything agrees - the weather, schedules, prices, how to get there ...

All of that can be done on the iPad too, really, perhaps even more enjoyable for the hi-res photos that fellow travelers have posted. But the motion of filling in the forms, as of now, is still a mouse-pointing, finger key-in sort of activity, meaning laptops are still necessary. So on this wonderfully sunny and warm Saturday morning at Central Park, I wonder how forms might eventually evolve to indulge my spontaneous travel habits even more?

Maybe I should just be able to call Amtrak with that number on their website, quote my Facebook code, so they can retrieve my profile right away and have my reservation completed in under a minute.