I always choose the bus over the train if I'm not pressed for time. I like all the visual stimulants that come with a long bus ride, ears plugged to my favourite playlist, retreating into my own contemplative thoughts and feelings. Like CD said, "making my own MTV" in those hour-long rides.
That was what I did the past Saturday, after the rain. Alas, my window was foggy so I could only get a blurry picture of the scenery outside. Alas, I couldn't quite catch the red Mazda 3s (think their butts are incredibly cute and sexy, aren't they?), which I've got into the habit of counting. So I played with my camera instead. I just got a new all-black pouch and a bright red hand-strap for it. The camera body is all-black too, so the dash of red against all the black is quite beautiful. Well, I digress.
What I meant to say was, I aimed a shot from behind a foggy window, and got pleasantly surprised by this result. Enjoy! :)