The theme this year is "Better City, Better Life". The Expo will feature ideas and concepts of future sustainable urban living from countries around the world of different economic, social, cultural and political backgrounds. Yet, from history we've learned that Expo pavilions will be dismantled after the grand event. Where do all the materials go?
I guess the success of this year's Shanghai World Expo is measured not by the exposure and publicity it receives, or the number of visitors it eventually attracts which will no doubt be a massive number, but by how efficiently the dismantled pavilions can be reused to minimise the waste and stress that they will cause the already overflowing landfill to the detriment of the environment and people, which will be a complete irony of the Expo's theme.
Other than that, although the construction seems terribly behind schedule, the pavilions are shaping up real nice. I'm proud of Malaysia's and Singapore's pavilions; some kickass structures they are! I just hope they'll all be fully completed when I arrive in 52 days.