I didn't know it was yesterday that they'd announce the host city for the 2016 Olympic Games. A friend who was watching the live telecast in China alerted me to it. He was disappointed that Chicago crashed out in the first round. I told him, "It'll be Rio. Beijing had her turn, now it'll be Rio."
This win has far deeper significance for me. And for the world today. The winds are changing, the world order is changing. Emerging economies are slowly but steadily creeping into the limelight, getting the long overdue recognition from the global community. And me, the "emerging nations design researcher" is extremely happy. Will make my case of "let's design for the consumers of tomorrow - those from emerging nations!" easier.
See, Seoul hosted the Games in 1988 (I remember because I collected a bunch of Seoul Games pins that Dad received in the mail - don't ask me how cuz I still have no idea where or who he got them from), and see where Seoul is today.
China will get there. Brazil will get there. Bet your last cents on it. Oh, that signals an impending meeting with my financial advisor for a relook at my portfolio, high time for some emerging markets equities since even the GIC is increasing that portion in their basket.