Thursday, July 09, 2009


为什么雪之世界没有彩虹呢? 当阳光照在晶莹的雪晶上, 不就变成彩虹了吗?

诗界就不一样了! 诗界是个乐园, 每一瞬光都会变成彩虹! (^___^*)

纯洁虽然重要, 但诗界如果有了不同的颜色是会更美丽的! 在说当这些颜色结合之后, 最终还是变回纯洁的白光啊 ...

所以为什么人们就是接受不了文化的多样性, 搞到要自相残杀? 其实大家都是有一个共同的目的 ... 那就是可以过个更好的生活, 可以给子女更好的未来. 如果社会和平, 好让我们实现这些梦想 ... 不是更好吗?

After days of sad news stories from Xinjiang, this song is a relief. This is what my world should be. Stop the violence in Xinjiang. Why do people kill each other when we can focus this energy of diversity to make the world a happy, colourful place?

Masashi Kawamura + Hal Kirkland + Magico Nakamura + Masayoshi Nakamura

SOUR official site

2009 Zealot Co.,ltd / Neutral Nine Records

Your heart that gently reflects in the puddle
is your tone, as you pass through the maze of everyday

Footsteps of spring
the city starts adding color
The melody flowsLE LU LA LI
Through the colored lenses

Between the waves of all the different values
JazzRockPops Category no more
Whats the most important thing?

Spinning and turning on the overpass
as we overtake that season
this and that, which color is your melody?
Sometimes you could get confused

Between the waves of all different values
JazzRockPops Category no more
What are you thinking of now?

If we can embrace all the differences
It will shine the sky in rainbow colors
Your heart that gently reflects in the puddle
is your tone, as you pass through the maze of everyday

You can see it in any color, because of your clear feeling
Dont worry about it, lets just go as we are.
If we can embrace all the differences
The rain will stop, and the sky will shines in rainbow colors

Your heart that gently reflects in the puddle
is your tone, as you pass through the maze of everyday
You can see it in any color, because of your clear feeling
Let your tone shine like the rainbow

Pass through the maze of everyday
And start playing your tone