Monday, May 25, 2009

I don't care, be happy!

So our cleaning auntie asked if XN had left. I said yeah, she's gone to further her studies. Auntie said why girls have to study so hard ... will soon be married off and leave the bread-earning to the men! I was honestly piqued by that sort of mindset but didn't really want to engage myself in the debate. I kept my mouth shut although inside, I was thinking what outdated thinking is that!

Then, auntie began fiddling with her "cheong" iPod, complaining about its bad navigational design and un-user-friendliness. She's been listening to stories from Buddha's teachings and apparently, the device didn't allow her to choose tracks properly. The Buddha advocates magnanimity and forgiveness as the root of happiness, so auntie told the story of a centenarian in Singapore who is still now healthy and helping even people who are much younger than her.

The key to her longevity: happiness. The key to her happiness: "When you're crossing the road and are surrounded by boisterous chatter, can you hear what they say? No. So that's how we should navigate life. Be true to ourselves and ignore meaningless talk."

Last but not least, she thrives on the joy of others; she does not make much, and because she also does not need much (she's always receiving gifts from well-wishers so her fridge is quite well-stocked), she donates all that she has to the needy. The happiness she brings to people around her in the end puts happiness back in her life.