I promised myself not to work, or even think about work, this weekend. I had been spending the past several weekends, including the Chinese New Year one, mulling over issues at work. So my friends and I had a date for some millenia-old Greek sculptures specially flown in from Le Louvre on display at the National Museum.
After the exhibition, we had an early afternoon tea at Dome, Singapore Art Museum. Seems like an exhibition, Primary Colours, by Chinese artist Feng Zhengjie is going on. I'll probably pop by this Friday evening, when the museum is open to the public for free. Hopefully, that exhibition is too. Well, anyway, we had our dessert and drinks and chatted for about an hour as Fauzie was sleepy cuz she had been at work all morning and Karen had to return home to take care of Maia so Greg could go out.
I didn't have much to do but since it had been sunny, I didn't really feel like doing anything much either. I'd just pop into Plaza Singapura for a while and then head home. At Basement 1, I got enthralled by the fish at a new fish shop (probably not that new but I'd never stopped by previously) and spent an hour admiring them.