Tomorrow's the big day! Actually it's later today - the premiere of Channel 8's drama of the year - 手足 / Kinship. The show has 80 episodes altogether, shown in two parts of 40 episodes respectively.
So must make sure I book the prime position in front of the TV for the next 2 months starting tomorrow at 7 pm sharp (tall order but I'll try!) for my Elvin feast. Haha ... of course, popcorn and drinks are also welcome.
In the meantime, hear out the cast's ghostly encounters. I wonder why they have chosen this topic when the show's about the trials and tribulations of two families ... is there a spirit at work?
Anyway, must check out Chen Tianwen's story. It's my favourite. Elvin's story ... hmm ... the way he tells it in such great detail, it's so disgustingly hilarious it's hardly Singapore ghost story ...

Oh well, let's wait and see but definitely must see 手足 everyone!