(I'm a dork ... but this cute shot of Jesseca and Elvin is irresistible!}
Meet the cast of Kinship【手足】@ 惊喜500i Party!
Kinship【手足】, MediaCorp's 80-episode drama on the lies and discontent seething slowly beneath a family's apparent unity, begins telecast on June 19 at 7 pm. Now here's the chance to meet the main cast of the drama in person next Sunday at Bugis!
Date: Sunday, June 3
Time: 3 pm
Venue: Bugis Junction
Cast: Elvin Ng, Jesseca Liu, Eelyn Kok, Yao Wen Long, Xiang Yun, Cynthia Koh, Ann Kok, Chen Tian Wen, Lin Mei Jiao, Darren Lim, Alan Tern
惊喜500i Party :与【手足】同乐
新剧【手足】的主要演员 : 黄俊雄、刘芷绚、郭蕙雯、姚玟隆、向云、许美珍、郭淑娴、陈天文、林梅娇、林明伦、唐育书 : 将在惊喜500i PARTY! 与影友同乐!【手足】是新传媒2007年8频道的年度大戏,全长80集,即将在6月19日隆重登场,敬请期待!
日期:6月3日, 星期日
地点:白沙浮广场 Bugis Junction
xin.sg feature : 寻找 黄俊雄