I love receiving the National Geographic magazine in my mailbox every month.
Ok, maybe with the exception of last month when many pages were covered with the most spine-tingling creepy crawlies. Hehe ... not literally. It's just a feature on the rarest worms of Hawaii. But me being the chicken chicken (well, the normal chicken would have leapt in joy at the sight of her staple wriggly squishy protein-rich diet :), I have not flipped the magazine since I accidentally stumbled upon those ... ugh.
This month's issue, though, is the GREATEST. As though they know it's my birthday month so I deserve a special treat (well, especially now that I have many dull weeknights to endure since the last episode of ... ok, I'll stop obsessing with the E -word :)

I literally leapt in joy at the sight of a herd of magnificent African elephants on the cover (my sis thought i was gila (mad) but didn't I just have a wanderlust moment last week looking at those pictures on a certain traveller's website? Plus, just yesterday, ST reported the rescue of an abandoned baby elephant from a theme park. It's now residing at the Malacca Zoo and is seeking sponsors for its maintenance at the cost of RM1,500 a month. I wonder how I can contribute ... ). Then as I read the smaller prints, there's also a feature on Orlando, the Disney World city and where NSYNC was founded. I miss it - it's been more than 5 years since I was there - so lucky me, it's a double whammy for me on NatGeo this month!!
Earlier today, after withdrawing some cash from the OCBC ATM, I received my first birthday greeting. For once, the personalised message, which had always been about selling one financial product or another, put a smile on my weary face.
It's little things like these that make my day. v(^.^)v