My best friends will know that I affectionately refer to the hypermarket Carrefour as The Happy Place. Simply because my spirits get mystically lifted everytime I step foot in there.
I am one that craves space, an incorrigible claustrophobic. Plus the multitude of merchandise that come under those two floors of well-spaced racks means I can spend hours there without a single second of boredom.
Enough to kill all blues. Enough to make peace with myself, to purge all inequities I feel about life outside this cheery kingdom, to simply shop and chatter away with family and close friends. When all other places fail to incite unanimous agreement for a rendezvous, there's always The Happy Place.
Many years ago, we would receive word from one friend or another updating everyone on our chum's BGR because he/she had been spotted at The Happy Place cozying up to the significant other. It's not just one odd couple but many of my dating friends seem to pick The Happy Place as their dating ground. And aptly so, it being the Happy Place, only it's not so advisable if one hopes to keep the BGR under wraps because EVERYONE, dating or single, is on the prowl there like a pack of hungry hyenas!
So yesterday, two friends bumped into each other again after more than a year of disconnect, at The Newer Happy Place down at Plaza Singapura. SS was busy shuttling the skies while I was preoccupied with trying to stay grounded. Welcome home, SS. We have lots to catch up on. But it was delightful seeing you again at The Happy Place ... where else.