Went to the 1st Toy and Comic Convention at Suntec City today (how could I not?!) Specially woke up early for it because I wanted to be one of the first 1,000 to receive the special "red/white" event BearBrick. Alas, although I had arrived at least 5 minutes before 11 am, the event hall was already bustling with activity ... that means no BearBrick. Hrmph ... this is a gaming event, hence there ought to be a strategy of some sort to win. Damn, I figured that out a tad bit too late. Next year ... I'll be back! And prepared.
I like the passport idea. Like a game. All visitors who register are issued passports, on which they need to collect stamps from designated booths at the convention. Sorta like a treasure hunt cuz in the end, you can trade your passport stamps with attractive gifts. I think they must be pretty attractive because people had begun queing up at the Redemption Counter at 11 am when the first redemption happens only at 2 pm! Okay. One more thing to note for next year.
Well, the convention's a little smaller than I had anticipated. It's pretty cool nonetheless.
1) 臭豆腐! A spin-off version of Tofu Man, aptly named Smery and Friends. Haha ... I think this is the best find at the convention, for me, because not only is Smery adorable, the very concept of having 臭豆腐, something so Chinese as part of the Japanese Toufu Man collection, is totally cute. What's next? 麻婆豆腐? Lol ... I bought a Smery. It's the wasabi one. Ooh ... there's a spicy one ... but don't think that quite qualify as 麻婆豆腐.
2) That whole section of anime models ... they are so well-made and breathtakingly gorgeous!!
3) Tokidoki. Cute to the max. Too bad the artist signing session is 5-6 pm, I couldn't stay so long.
Disappointment: Not more of Mickey and Doraemon.