The meats were fabulous - tender, fresh, sweet. The seafood platter was awesome too though the lobster proved a tad bit challenging... most afraid our clumsy fingers would cause the flesh to fly onto some unexpectant diner's plate, or worse, face. Fortunately, the dinner ended blissfully, accident-free :)

Just as we completed the games, the rain came. It was gone in about 15 minutes, allowing us to venture out for showers before the BBQ dinner began. I'm not a big fan of BBQ, but if it's all done for me and all I had to do was eat, why not! That's exactly what we all did all evening - EAT.
Oh, of course, there was the lucky draw. The prizes this year were great and many - approximately 1 in 2 chance of winning. All the girls - WE, XM, YX and WS - got something from the draw but not EC and me. The top prizes went mostly to the ultra new finance girls... lucky!! Oh well, in a way, EC and I had something to bring home too - EC's team was the dark horse in games, coming in first when they were the most relaxed team. Me, having been part of the organising committee went home with a token of appreciation. So it ain't bad, and we enjoyed ourselves!
Should have taken MC for the day but didn't think I was very sick, plus I really had to run through the schedule with S and the team. However, by mid-day, I could take it no more so I chose MC instead. Went to see the doctor, and then had a good 3-hour sleep. Felt better by night-time though the nasal cavity was still congested.
Woke up this morning still feeling a little feverish. Went out for coffee, right after which I decided to clean the floor. After a good hour of sweat, I actually felt great! Hmm... it could really be my sedentary lifestyle that is causing the breakdown in health...
I had to return the book that borrowed for the trip to Sydney. Gee, how time flies! It's been almost 3 weeks since Sydney, since the ultra fabulous U2 show. There was already a great number of fans gathered at the concourse of Compasspoint, waiting for the Star Awards nominees to appear. There were supporters of Terence Cao and Chen Hanwei carrying banners... not sure who else would be there. Darn, why wasn't (my favourite Mediacorp star of the moment) Elvin Ng scheduled for Compasspoint instead of Bkt Panjang Plaza? Sighz...
Well anyway, after I was done with the library and my shopping and the clock ticked close to 2, no star had yet appeared. So I went home, popped Disc 3 of KSS into the DVD player and enjoyed my favourite K-drama while mulling over my favourite Chinese brand of the moment (Haier) until I had to leave for Jeni's wedding dinner.
I love wedding dinners. I love to see all the guests arriving in pomp and splendour, and especially the bride and groom, they SHINE. Jeni looked gorgeous! She's already a very attractive woman, but tonight, in the simple yet oh-so-elegant wedding gown, she was brilliant.
During the course of the dinner, I was seized by 2 moments of emotional upheaval. Seeing Jeni's grandma at the bride's table and on-screen during the tea ceremony earlier today, I am reminded of Grandma. She will never be at my wedding. She must have so looked forward to my big day but she had to go before I am able to seal my vows with the right guy. But I know she'll always be there in spirit; at that moment, I missed her so much. I miss you, Grandma...
The second almost-tearing moment was when the song 月亮代表我的心 played. It reminded me of former President Ong who played this song in memory of the First Lady at one of the President Star Charities. It had been her favourite song, and the love he had for her was so great! Everytime I hear this song, I think of them. Alas, or at last, he rests in peace with the love of his life. God bless.
We all had fun. The little printout of our group shot was neat! Although I am not too fond of myself in photographs (I usually take shadows of myself, or my feet, like in this recent Sydney trip, I had plenty of those as the Australian sun shone bright), I think I look ok in this one. Hope PT has some time to sort out her OZ photos and check if Alan had sent over that awesome picture of me looking deliciously leggy in the final rays of the sun setting over Botany Bay.